Puzzle Lab
Members | PUZZLE LAB
Victoria, BC
Puzzle Lab crafts heirloom-quality wood jigsaw puzzles that merge technology, art, and nature. We start by curating stunning contemporary artwork by talented Canadian artists. Next, the wacky puzzle pieces are created in our digital laboratory with custom computer algorithms. Finally, they're laser cut from high-grade Baltic Birch plywood at our studio on Douglas St. in the heart of Victoria, BC. Each puzzle design has a unique cut pattern, so you won't find the same piece twice!
Puzzle Lab was founded by Tinka Robev and Andrew Azzopardi, who met while studying architecture at the University of Waterloo in 2012. The couple moved to Victoria, BC in 2014 where they started Studio Robazzo, a multidisciplinary design & branding agency.
During the coronavirus pandemic, they came up with the idea to launch a puzzle company to encourage more people to get off their devices and into the real world.
Sharon Parker joined them and Puzzle Lab was born in the fall of 2020. Since its founding, Puzzle Lab has been dedicated to fabricating heirloom-quality puzzles as well as providing a new platform for talented Canadian artists.

Puzzle Lab
2001-F Douglas St
(factory and order pick-up, not a storefront)
Victoria, BC
(250) 589-7193