Michelle Munkittrick
Michelle Munkittick | Brave Art Media
Victoria, BC
Brave Art Media was Founded in 2017 - inspired by a pivotal 6 month trip surf trip around the world after the sudden loss of her partner. An avid surfer and adventure seeker, there she discovered the diverse beauty of the different environmental and cultural landscape and wanted to use her creative media skills to mobilize others to value the preservation of their environmental surroundings.
Michelle is a practicing freelance photographer and videographer who’s work focuses on environmental & social justice. She studied Visual Arts at UVIC and graduated with a degree in Communications with a focus on Cultural & Media Studies. Michelle values collaborating with others to create meaningful media through inclusive storytelling and imperative research.
Michelle has collaborated with the Surfrider Foundation, creating media about the harmful effects of plastic pollution, worked alongside scientists aboard the Canada C3 Expedition, where she documented qualitative research regarding glacial melt and climate change, worked with local Southern Vancouver Island and Gulf Island Farmers promoting food security, worked with Lindsay Delaronde (Victoria’s former artist-in-residence) creating supportive media for theatre and galleries, and is currently working with the local W̱SÁNEĆ communities creating a documentary series on the topic of Food Sovereignty within Indigenous food systems, Land as Medicine, as well as the importance of preserving traditional carving practices.
Currently her photography work can be seen in the Alcheringa Gallery in Downtown Victoria, BC.
Videographer, Filmmaker, Photographer, Surfer, Environmentalist
Surfrider Foundation
Canada C3 Expedition
NIL TU, O Child and Family Services
Studio Robazzo
Seen And Herd Media
hOMe Grown Living Foods
The Belfry Theatre
Wild Renfrew
Salish Sea Botanicals

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